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Derek Ritchie, BID Manager

T 07852 617092

We Are Inverurie Ltd.
Top Floor, 1a High Street
Inverurie, Aberdeenshire
AB51 3QA

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Original 106 x Grab a Grand in INverurie

Original 106 x Grab a Grand in INverurie


What was Grab a Grand in Inverurie?

To reward all that have continued to shop and support local, We Are Inverurie BID teamed up with the team at Original 106 FM to give away £5,000 worth of local shopping vouchers. £5,000 worth of prizes spread around 50 different Inverurie shops delivered over 5 wonderful days!

When was Grab a Grand in Inverurie?

Started Monday 28th June and ran everyday until Friday 2nd July!

How did it work?

Each morning, Original 106 gave clues to the local business where the winner of £1,000 of Inverurie shopping vouchers would be selected from. The clues ranged in difficulty so shoppers were sure to get their shopping done that week across various local shops!

How was a winner chosen?

Live on radio, each afternoon, Original 106 called different shop owners to identify the person who purchased something on or closest to a random time chosen!

Which local businesses are Involved?

This competition looked to reward shopping locally - that’s why so many different shops were involved with this competition. 50 different shops. 50 different vouchers. £5,000 worth of prizes! Every penny of the prizes were purchased from local businesses and spent at local businesses!

From jewellery, to clothing, from home decoration to the garden, the people that make Inverurie are ready to give you a warm welcome when you shop locally with us this year. Inverurie is home to some wonderful local businesses and we are proud to champion our local businesses with this Shop Local Giveaway.

Where do I find full T&Cs?

For all competitions, giveaways and initiatives, We Are Inverurie Ltd follow the terms, conditions and responsibilities which are available here.