16 May 2023
The Big Bash Scotland | Inverurie Garden Centre

The best part of the Big Bash Scotland is highlighting and appreciating the incredible community initiatives that contribute to the vibrant spirit of Inverurie. Today, a big shoutout goes to to Inverurie Garden Centre for organising a delightful Charity Easter Fun Day. This event, featuring free face painting, a visit from the Easter bunny, and an Easter Egg Hunt, not only brought joy to families but also raised funds for the Urological Cancer Charity, UCAN.
It is important to acknowledge the purpose behind this Charity Easter Fun Day. The event was organised to raise funds for UCAN, a charity that provides support to individuals affected by urological cancer. By hosting this event, Inverurie Garden Centre demonstrated their commitment to making a positive impact in our community.
The event brought joy to many families, while also raising funds for UCAN. It is heartening to witness the dedication and community spirit demonstrated by our local businesses.
We look forward to supporting and highlighting more initiatives like this in the future!